September's Garden

For September, Elizabeth shares her tips on planting bulbs and where to buy them.
After a long sleepy summer I have a burst of energy and feel the urge to plan, which is perfectly timed for bulb season… Now is the time to browse bulb catalogues and write lists of bulbs for pots and borders.
I’m going to try and buy mainly organic bulbs this year, as awareness grows over the number of chemicals used to grow standard bulbs. Organic Bulbs based in Bruton has a wonderful selection. I’ll also be looking to the great Sarah Raven for inspiration, as well as adding to my historic tulip collection from Jacques Amand. I focus my tulip efforts on pots and my cutting beds, with a few in the borders along with pale Narcissus like ’Thalia’. I’ll also add to the Narcissi Actaea and Camassia naturalising in the long grass.